A whole week?

Wow. It's been a whole week already. I feel like my emotional, ridiculous phase didn't last long this time. Maybe because I can still talk to Bryan every day right now until he actually leaves the states.

I spent this week trying to get into a routine. The first two days I sat around in pajamas watching tv coverage of hurricane Irma. It was thoroughly depressing and exactly what I needed. By day three, I finally changed my clothes and showered.

I met a few of the other spouses in the squadron, which basically felt like going on a blind friend date. I had this for dinner:
I realized that sleeping alone has perks. I can use the entire bed like my own personal desk and storage unit. I love that the remote, iPad, etc. can stay on the bed with me to keep my company!
I finished an entire season of Botched on demand and felt great about myself (for not having crazy botched plastic surgery, not for actually watching a whole season of Botched). I also went to see the movie mother! Holy shit. Go see it. Be prepared to be shocked. Like, literally horrified. One scene in particular, and you'll know it when it happens, trust me.

I took the dog for walks. I set up my bike trainer in my dining room becausee no one's dining there anyway. I got an awesome sign to count the days until Bryan comes home. But it's kind of a joke because we don't know when he's coming home, so I just wrote "too many" on the chalk board.

Oh...and I found a Whole Foods! It's like, 30 miles away, but whatever. And there's a Chick fil A a mile from the Whole Foods so:
Hmm...what else...oh I got a cookbook because it sounds like it was pretty much written for a deployment. I'm going to try yo make everything in it before Bryan comes home. I'm most excited to make "Fuck It, Let's Just Get Stoned, Nachos" and "Netflix and Chile con Carne".
Finally. I went to Key Spouse training all day Saturday, and today Rachel, Jared, and Jace came and watched football with me. I have to say this week surprised me. I have to thank my Facebook and Snapchat friends for keeping me sane. All in all, it was an ok week.


  1. Replies
    1. Dammit. I even reread it to spellcheck! Just dog.

  2. Too many is right. Let me know how those recipes go. I'm loving our Snapchat streak and that you're ina similar time zone for it to be real time (ya know like real real time haha). Love you. 7 days down


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