
Showing posts from February, 2018

It's Been 6 Months...

6 months down. Well, sort of. 24 weeks actually, which is a little shy of 6 months but who's really counting. That's how long Bryan has been gone. He's still plugging along over there. Honestly, he's doing fine. Taking some classes and earning a project management certification. This week was busy and actually flew by for me. It started off with a trip to the allergist. My rash was totally gone because of the prednisone, so I wasn't sure what would happen. They tested me for every food allergy (like 90 items) and I have 0 food allergies! I can eat EGGS!! However, two days after my appointment, my rash came back. I see him again next week... I had a couple more job interviews. One was for a full time position at the local Career Source. The position is something I'd really like, but I did some math. The salary is just a few thousand more than I'm already making part time. I haven't heard back yet, so I'll have to think about it... On Thursday I

I got a J-O-B(S)

Well hello again. It's been a busy week. Where to begin... I guess I'll start by saying I think winter has left the panhandle. It's in the upper 70s and beautiful outside. Bryan sent me the sign in the picture above, and it sums me up perfectly. This week was Valentine's Day. And while it was a little sad that Bryan wasn't here, it wasn't that big of a deal. We don't usually do anything special anyway. Maybe dinner and a movie at home. This year, I treated myself to a massage, which was much needed! I went to the movies with some gals to see 50 Shades Freed (gag!), and got a few awesome gifts. Bryan sent tulips (my fave) and Col Hight sent me a beautiful Milspouse box! If you haven't seen them, check them out! They are beautiful gifts for military spouses! This week I also went to the Hearts Apart bowling event with my friend Rachel and her daughter Charlee. It was fun! I also had dinner with some gals last night for Leanne's birthday. I

Jobless in Seattle

Well folks, since last week's blow was somewhat optimistic, of course this post is not. So, let's start with the best thing to happen this week. Bitmoji was updated, and there's better hair! Having a Bitmoji that looks more like me is the best thing to happen this week. Yep. That's my life. In other news, I'm heading to Charleston on Thursday to learn another MCEC training. I'm also working on a new training for them regarding school counselors preparing military kids for college. I'm also busy researching for our ironic book chapter on military spouse employment. I've been binge watching the Olympics, which is killing my sleep. It's on all night long and I can't stop watching! Hoss had his 8th birthday this week. We celebrated with a huge cookie and lots of snuggling. Bryan is doing well. He said that leadership returned from their big meeting, so that's a little stress off of him since he's not in charge anymore. They are


Can we just take one minute to relish in the fact that Tom Brady and the Patriots didn't win another Superbowl? I mean, I was just so happy I almost cried. I spent Superbowl with my friend Rachel at her extended family's home eating and drinking and ogling Justin Timberlake. It was a good time. I attended a paining party, put on for free at the squadron. It was well attended, and so much fun! Kids and ladies all had a great time, and everyone put their own personal spin on their painting. You can see the overall theme (Red Horse, get it?). Bryan has been extra busy at work because most of the leadership was gone this week to start planning the changeover so I haven't spoken to him very much this week. But, he says things are good. On Friday, I noticed Hoss has a lump. It's on his penis, I know, dog TMI. Anyway, it doesn't seem to be bothering him or hurting in any way, but with his history of mast cell tumors, I scheduled an appointment (it's today