Finally Fall

It's finally fall here on the Gulf coast! Well, at least for a day or two until it gets back up to 80 degrees this week. But today it's 55 and sunny and smells like fall outside! Speaking of finally, I also finally got a picture of me mowing so here you go!

It's not as much of a miserable chore now that it's not 100 degrees and 100% humidity. This week was a bit uneventful. I spent some time chatting with my neighbor Kristen nextdoor, which is always nice and took Hoss for a couple walks. I participated in a research study for a Master's student who's researching military spouse employment just like I did, and we talked about possibly collaborating. Wednesday night I met a new friend from Geek Girl Brunch for sushi. The place was awesome! I HIGHLY recommend the Slippery Mermaid in Navarre! I watched an entire season of Harlots on Hulu and I'm starting Stra her Things.

In work related news, I have an interview tomorrow, but I'm not excited about it. To be honest, it's not a job I really want, but at this point I feel like I need to be less picky. I'm still waiting on a few other possibilities, so I'm not sure where this will all go yet, but I'll keep you posted.

Bryan and I continue to chat almost daily. He got up to watch the Ravens on Thursday night so we were able to video chat for a long time. We talked about stuff that's hard to talk about in shorter calls or through text. He was also asked to be the Godfather to our friend's new son, so that was an unexpected honor this week. Bryan asks that you send hot fries and crab chips if you want to send anything! I posted this pic already, but here is one of the buildings they are putting up:

A few more items for Disney arrived this week, and we are almost 30 days out from the trip. I am so excited and can't wait to write a blog dedicated to the trip!! It might have to be multiple parts. Here's the swag I scored on Etsy for super cheap. The passports are awesome. They have places to write food and customs for each country, plus a spot for the passport stamp and their name in the country's language.

On Friday night, Amanda (fellow Red Horse spouse) and I tried checking out the fall festival on base. Now, don't get me wrong, I love kids. However, this was overwhelming. We did one lap and decided to go see Jigsaw in the peace and quiet of our local ghetto movie theater. Saturday I made an appearance at another kid-splosion event. My good friend's 5 year old's birthday party took place at one of those trampoline parks. It was fun to watch, but I was shocked at some of the adults I saw playing dodgeball with kids. And totally knocking them down. Hard. And then pointing at the 15 year old referree employee to call the kid out of the game. It was... interesting.

I got a text while there from Tina (Red Horse spouse) and she, Amanda, and I (we like to call ourselves the kidless crew) made plans to hit up a local Halloween party. As deployment would have it, all of my Halloween costumes are up in the attic. Which I am afraid of (heights, ladder, dark). I made one attempt to pull the ladder down and couldn't even reach it. So, when you have no costume, you wear everything related to Halloween that you have in reachable distance:

We Ubered, and a fun time was had by all. I will say, we started the dance party. No one was dancing, so we just started requesting songs like Thriller, Backstreet's Back, and the Cha Cha Slide and people finally joined us. We danced for HOURS and I'm tired today. These gals are 10 years younger than me, but at least I get carded when I hang out with them! Oh, and they are super sweet ❤

So, as I said, nothing too eventful. Honestly, the time is going quickly, I believe we're already at 7 weeks, and being able to chat with Bryan daily is nice. I'm feeling busy enough to not go crazy (I went to the gym 5 days in a row!), and I'm making all kinds of new friends. If I could just get a job that I like, I'd be set.


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