Red Horse Wives Gone Wild

 5 weeks have gone by, but this week had some ups and downs. Tuesday was a quiet day. I needed a day to do laundry etc. after visiting my mom. Hoss was wiped out too, as you can see.

 I've had a few more nibbles this week regarding jobs. One is working with Prudential/USO on a financial counseling program for Military members, another possibility is the Recovery Care Coordinator position for SOCOM. In addition, I met another military spouse that works at the local YMCA. She said they need spin instructors so I'm planning to check it out tomorrow. In the meantime, I have found some fun ways to make money or get freebies. 23 and Me is conducting a study and I'm giving my spit for $100. Also doing a coffee kcup study where I'll get 72 kcups for free just to report back on how I liked them.

 Wednesday I was expecting to have an emotional day since Bryan was supposed to finally leave the country. Of course, there were delays, many delays, and he didn't leave until the following night. He sent a couple pics:

Luckily, I had a beach day scheduled with Brandi on Thursday that kept my mind off of him. Thankfully, communications are so much better now than they were in prior deployments. I've been lucky enough to talk to Bryan every day as he traveled via Wi-Fi and WhatsApp. He could even video chat and show me around. He's not at his final destination yet and isn't sure exactly when he will get there, but when he does, I'll send out his address to whoever wants it! In the meantime, add him on WhatsApp.

This weekend was very busy. I mowed the lawn Friday and once again forgot to take a pic on the riding mower, but I promise I'll get one eventually! Friday night I went to dinner with a new Red Horse spouse friend, and when I came home, this happened:

 Hoss had a hard time adjusting to not having a doggie door, and I guess after being at my mom's where I had to walk him for potty breaks, he got all discombobulated again. Either way, I was not happy. However, Hoss was quite happy to lay on his new cooling mat I got him for outside, since it's still 90 degrees here.

 Saturday morning I attended the Hearts Apart event for deployed spouses at the local zoo. It was pretty cute and I'd probably go back to take a more leisurely stroll. It was hot, but everyone seemed to have a good time.

Saturday night, another Red Horse spouse hosted a craft night. Now, any of you who knows me, knows I am NOT crafty. At all. But, I bought some stuff at AC Moore and gave it my best effort. I think it turned out ok. I also made some new friends, which is really the best thing I made that night.

I also have a neighborhood mystery going on. The house next door (not with my new neighbors, the other side). Seems to be vacant. The mail stopped being collected so my good neighbor called in a wellness check. Police found no people, but said the house looked uninhabitable. We're thinking about a recon mission to gather evidence to call the county code enforcer out. But...where are the owners of the house? To be continued...

On top of all of this, I'm still adjusting to FL, to the area, the base, etc. I'm struggling to not freak out about my job situation. I'm adjusting to Bryan's time difference (8 hours ahead of CST). I'm having good and bad days, and I'd love a visitor!


  1. I’m glad you’re making friends and having plans to get out of the house. What’s this 23 and me thing? That sounds cool

  2. Hey Georgia, I have been reading your blog, I am glad you found something to do to try to occupy your time, hang in there, Love you!

    1. Sorry my name showed up as unknown, but it's me lol

    2. Lol. Thanks for reading! It's helping me pass the time and it's almost like a diary :)


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