Getting My Geek On

I'm starting off this blog with that picture because it was definitely the highlight of my week! I'll explain further down.

So, this week was a bit uneventful. The good news is that I still have some job stuff percolating. I am also heading to Orange Beach, AL for a training to become a Military Child Education Coalition trainer. It's a less-than-part-time gig, giving trainings to base personnel in my region as needed. Figured it's a great resume builder and good experience, so why not?

I ordered a few cheap items for the kids for Disney, including these adorable autograph books that came. I'm getting super excited, we're 40 days away!

I had a great Key Spouse meeting to start the week off and loved getting to know everyone a little better. I did some boring stuff like going to base finance to check on something for Bryan and my usual gym days. I had a fantastic beach day with a fellow Red Horse spouse and her adorable daughter. I finally had my soft close drawers fixed. I also tried some new recipes, including this white chicken lasagna soup!

Saturday night I went to the Mullet Festival with Rachel and some friends. I had some awesome fair food and a few much needed beers. Sunday I had the pleasure of attending my friend Danielle's bridal shower brunch. Endless mimosas and these views definitely feed the soul.

Bryan is finally at his final destination, which is a relief for both of us. We're trying to get into a groove with his schedule and being 8 hours apart. This deployment is already VERY different than deployments past. With the availability of personal WiFi, I can literally text, snap, voice and video call him whenever I want. He can't always answer, but it's very convenient. I can't tell yet if this is a positive or negative thing. Here's why... In the past, we developed a schedule. I'd know at 630am on Tue and Thu that we'd speak on the phone. And I'd expect a few emails throughout the week to catch up on stuff in between calls. Now, we can almost communicate in real time. This seems great, but I wonder if it's just more stressful. We've already had a few little squabbles over meaningless stuff, which rarely happened on past deployments. Usually, by the time the issue was discussed, we'd both cooled off or had time to think about it. Or, the issue was already resolved. I also don't feel so bad when I miss a call, which feels weird. Then I feel guilty. So, the verdict is still out on this instant communication situation. I'll keep you posted. And I have an address for Bryan if you want to send him goodies!

Ok, to the best part of my weekend. On Sat, I attended a brunch set up by another military spouse that also moved to the area in August. At her last base, she created Geek Girl Brunch, a monthly brunch group for, well, geeks. Each month the brunch is themed. This month was Harry Potter. 16 ladies showed up and almost all of us clicked instantly. My Facebook friend requesting was extra this week. All of these ladies were smart, had similar interests in politics, environmental and women's issues, books, movies, etc. We talked for HOURS. Brunch started at 1030am and I had to force myself to leave at 130! Next month is Game of Thrones. I have a feeling I'll be seeing some of these ladies more frequently than monthly! Until next time y'all!


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