2 Month Update

Two months. I can't believe I'm typing that. In some ways it feels much longer and yet, it seems like he just left. I had a very busy week, with some ups and downs as usual. It started off with playing Tetris to get Bryan's care packages to close.

Let's get to it...

The week started off with a job interview for a supervisory position at a residential facility for adults with disabilities. In all honesty, it was a job I didn't want, but I'm getting desperate. The pay was appalling, but better than unemployment. So, I went. My interview was at 9am. They made me wait an HOUR before I actually had my interview. I sat there so long that I met, and got to chat with, the 10am interview, who was there for the same job. The interview lasted about 10 minutes. I asked all the questions and confirmed my suspicions that there is no way I'd work there. I'd rather waitress.

Since I started off talking about the job situation, which is what I'm calling it now, like it's a medical condition, I might as well just continue with the updates. I had a preliminary interview with an AFSC recruiter on Tuesday for the SOCOM Recovery Care Coordinator position. It went great, and I was scheduled for another interview with the program manager on Friday. If you remember, I'm also attending the Military Child Education Coalition training this month. Well, I got an email asking if I could help the trainer at a class here in Fort Walton Beach on Thursday because her coworker had an emergency. So, Wednesday I helped her set up, and Thursday I attended the training and helped as needed. It was a great training on exceptional family member kids and the school system.

On Friday morning I went to an hour long training to be an election poll worker for my district. I like to volunteer, and it's a good way to network, so I figured what the heck. I have to attend another long training and then I may become a bailiff. I know, I'm crazy. After that, I had my interview with the PM of the SOCOM Care Coalition. It also went well! And then came the snag. The position requires a secret clearance. I only have a confidential clearance. Secret clearances are taking 9 months to a year to complete right now. The PM is going to see what options there are. I'm hoping they can get me an interim clearance. I haven't heard anything today. I figure I'll give it a few days and then reach back to the recruiter. Ugh.

So, after that news I had a mini breakdown. I spent a day at the beach, mainly applying for jobs on my Indeed app and crying. When I got home, these beautiful flowers were waiting for me from Bryan. He's been very encouraging and doesn't seem to think its been that long since I stopped working, even though it feels like a lifetime to me. He keeps telling me not to worry, but it's hard.

There were some fun events this week too. Halloween was Tuesday, and I spent the evening at Rachel's handing out candy and drinking wine. I had to take a pic of the best costume I saw all night:

Friday night I had Mexican and a pitcher of margaritas with some fellow spouses, and Saturday night I played Bunco with the Red Horse ladies. I spent Sunday at the beach. To be on the beach in Novemeber is heaven to me. It's was 80 degrees and gorgeous and the sting rays were playing in the surf. It lifted my spirits a bit and got me back in the game for applying for more jobs this week.

Our Disney trip is finally less than a month away. I got the notification that my Magic Bands are on the way and I started planning what clothes to pack. I also got into the holiday spirit with the new Starbucks cup and a caramel pecan latte, which was delish. Finally, I ordered our holiday cards! It took some shipping, planning, and lots of coordination, but they are ordered! Here's a sneak peek!

I'm feeling somewhat optimistic today, but my mood swings depending on what I'm doing. Keep your fingers crossed for me and this RCC job. If I don't get it, my next blog post might be a lot different 😐


  1. Everything will work out! You’ll find the right job, or it will find you. I am so jealous of your beach outings. It’s so gross here. 😢

    1. I try to make the most of it while I can, but it's getting depressing.


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