2018... I'm waiting.

Well. It's been another week. Today is my 14th wedding anniversary. It's the 5th anniversary Bryan has missed, and I believe last year it was me that was on a work trip, so we're obviously used to spending it apart. I figure, next year is 15, which sounds like an accomplishment, so we'll plan something big. If we can afford it.

Which leads me right into the biggest issue in my life- My lack of a job. So, I haven't heard back from Alteristic. I have absolutely no idea why. I emailed a thank you a week after the initial interview. Then I waited another week because it was the weird week in between Christmas and New Year's when lots of people take off work. Then I emailed again last Wednesday asking for an update, and here's why. I had another interview on Wednesday for a training and development lead for Navy Federal Credit Union and it went really well. I got no response. However, VA had a winter storm last week, so maybe that impacted work? Anyway, I plan to actually call tomorrow. I am dying because it's literally a dream job for me, and not having any idea why they haven't called is killing me. I mean, the VP said I sounded awesome and asked how soon I could start. I just don't get it!

As for the Navy Federal Credit Union job, I said no thanks today. The reason- the commute. It was over an hour with no traffic and about $100 a month in tolls. I just couldn't do it. I need a life. Right after I emailed them back, I emailed my program manager at Military Child Education Coalition to let her know I'd be available for some upcoming trainings. She emailed me back right away and said she has a project for me and asked if she could call me tomorrow. I'm so tired of the roller coaster of job opportunities that I'm just rolling with the punches at this point. We'll see what happens.

Bryan is well, and I still talk to him pretty much daily. Hoss is also fine, although the cold weather and rain today have kept us in the house a lot. We are both going stir crazy. I've been sticking with the gym daily, and even went to hot yoga yesterday (which I actually really liked).

I got my Ancestry DNA results back, so I've spent hours researching this week. I've been tracing my great grandfather back to Hungary and turns out he is from a town about 230 miles from Transylvania! Also, get this, our last name (Dobash AKA Dobes) means drummer. My dad's a drummer. GET OUT! I'm working on tracing my mom's parents to Poland and Austria too.

My biggest time consumer this week has been my backsplash project. I'm almost finished, but it took all week. I just need to figure out what I'm going to do with the edge and then I can have my kitchen back! We settled on the stainless steel look. I liked the copper, but Bryan liked the stainless, and I didn't not like it, so there you go.

Some other activities that occupied my time this week were grocery shopping (so exciting), cooking a meal for a fellow squadron spouse that just had a baby while her hubby is deployed, and helping my Geek Girl Brunch ladies match fabric for a project we are doing for the Ronald McDonald House (we're making pillow cases, and when I say we, I mean them, because I can't sew. But I can bring wine!). Anyway... I have a full week coming up, trying to stay optimistic.

Oh yeah, and Oprah! How about a Biden/Winfrey 2020 ticket? Sounds like a winner to me!


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