Jobless in Seattle

Well folks, since last week's blow was somewhat optimistic, of course this post is not. So, let's start with the best thing to happen this week. Bitmoji was updated, and there's better hair!

Having a Bitmoji that looks more like me is the best thing to happen this week. Yep. That's my life.

In other news, I'm heading to Charleston on Thursday to learn another MCEC training. I'm also working on a new training for them regarding school counselors preparing military kids for college. I'm also busy researching for our ironic book chapter on military spouse employment.

I've been binge watching the Olympics, which is killing my sleep. It's on all night long and I can't stop watching!

Hoss had his 8th birthday this week. We celebrated with a huge cookie and lots of snuggling.

Bryan is doing well. He said that leadership returned from their big meeting, so that's a little stress off of him since he's not in charge anymore. They are planning the turnover for the new team and trying to organize the return of the squadron. Unfortunately, you all know I can't share any of that info on social media, but the reality is, I won't know the date he's coming home until a few days before he's coming anyway. And even then it can change. He did run a 10k this weekend. Here are two pictures:

In Key Spouse news, nothing much is going on. It's been relatively quiet this week. We had our monthly meeting yesterday and are just trying to plan for homecoming. Tomorrow, Valentine's Day, I'm getting a massage. And I couldn't be more in need of one. Some of the spouses are also participating in a secret sister activity. My secret sister either knows me very well, or saw this Instagram post and ran straight to the store, because a day after I posted the first picture, I received the second!

Now, for the work news. I found out yesterday that I did not get the TAP job. The recruiter is the person who called to tell me, not the company hiring, so I wasn't able to ask for specifics on why. The only thing they told him was that it was "really close" between me and one other person. Ugh. I also interviewed last week for Jobs4U. They actually offered me the position, but it's basically commission only. The way it works is, if I get someone placed in a job, I get about $500 on day 45 and another $400 on day 90 of their enployment. She said they have 25 people needing placement. I explained I was looking for something more stable, and she said to think about it and I could help as little or as much as a like. Of course, this was before I learned about the TAP job.

Then, on a whim, I saw a job posting for a part time position with an organization called The Value of a Veteran. There are two programs within the organization. One helps military skilled labor workers get jobs after getting out of the military. Jobs like Bryan does- electricians, plumbers, etc. The second program helps veteran college graduates get jobs. So this is more for folks who serve in the military, get out and go to college with their GI Bill, and then need jobs. I was hired yesterday to work on both projects simultaneously. The pay is decent for the work. So, now I have two part time jobs, and I'm thinking of helping out Jobs4U for a few days a week. If I add in Uber or some other small job one or two days a week, I can make a living. Ha!

Anyway, I am legitimately excited about the program, so I'm glad to help.

The worst news of the week is medical. So, you all know how happy I was about finally being able to eat eggs again with the help of enzyme replacement therapy. Well, it seems my body is not happy about it. Over the past 3 months, I've developed a rash over most of my body. It seems the reaction I was once getting through my digestive system, now repressed by the enzymes, is manifesting through my skin. I saw the doc, or PA rather (which I prefer on the military side) and she is sending me to an allergist. She thinks it's an allergy, not just an intolearance. No more flu vaccine for me! Yikes!

So, now I am on prednisone. Luckily only for five days, because I have the worst side effects from it. I have terrible nightmares and night sweats. Last night sucked. In the meantime, I continue to bust my butt in the gym. I'm so thankful for these ladies. They keep me sane.


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