Weeks, not months

Its finally here! A blog post where I can say I'm counting down weeks and not months! Don't get too excited, I can't post a countdown or dates. Why? 1. Because I honestly don't know them. 2. Because it can cause a delay in their return if the dates are compromised. I know a date range and that's all that matters!

Right now, Bryan is starting to wrap up his work projects and prepare to hand things over to the new group replacing them. He's sending some stuff home in the mail to lessen what he has to carry home. It's getting real!

Meanwhile, back at the homefront, things are going alright. Hoss is doing well, being lazy, and ripping up his toys as usual.

Luckily he only rips up his toys. He never touches the pillows, my clothes, nothing but his toys.

The weather has been sucky. It's been rainy and gloomy and chilly. Its supposed to warm up, but we shall see. Kate and Laura get here on Thursday and currently the weather forecast is shitty. Everyone cross your fingers that the Florida weather forecasters are wrong, as usual.

Ok, so what happened this week... I worked a lot. I attended at Veterans Organization Networking event at my alma mater, University of West Florida. It was very nice and I made some great connections. I also made some great progress on the book chapter Lindsey Lee and I are writing. Just about halfway done with my portion. Rough copy of course.

On Thursday, the Dependas had a fantastic showing at trivia. We were in 1st place for the first 3 rounds, but ended up coming in 2nd place. One of these weeks we are going to win!

I've also been toying around with a new tattoo idea (like I need to spend money on unnecessary stuff). I finally decided on the Deathly Hallows a few months ago but could not decide where on my body to put it. And then I came across this Pinterest post. It took a few weeks to decide, but I'm going for it. Thoughts?

I've been sticking with the gym and 6:15am is becoming my regular class time. I like getting my workout done before the sunrise. I sincerely love the ladies I work out with! I've also been eating so much better. I eat out very rarely, which is helping on the scale and the bank account. I've been using Home Chef. I get three meals, two servings each, so a total of 6 servings. That lasts me as dinners for a full week. And keeps me from eating the bad stuff when I'm in a hurry.

On Saturday I went to see A Quiet Place with some gals. Talk about a tense movie! It was so silent in that theater that I gave up eating my popcorn. It was just too stressful when the bag made noise! Sunday I started my day with yoga- the class is called Easy Like Sunday Morning. Need I say more? Then I went to our squadron Secret Sister reveal ice cream social which was really nice!

Today ended with a a ton of work, a key spouse meeting, and one last workout for the week. Why can't I work out for the next week you ask? Because the allergist has me taped up more than Kim Kardashian's boobs. I have about 40 patches of different chemicals taped to my back. I have to leave them taped there until my appointment on Wednesday at 1pm. On Wednesday, the tape comes off. Then I wait until Friday without sweating or getting my back wet (that's right, no showers) to see what reactions I have. I can't mow my lawn or workout, or do anything that would make me sweat. You'd think that would be awesome. An excuse to be lazy sloth. But I already can't stand it. And my back itches. So I'm drinking wine. And typing this blog entry. You're welcome.


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